Former WWE Writer Shares Vince McMahon’s Reaction To The Name ‘Punjabi Prison’

Former WWE writer: Alex Greenfield recently shared some tidbits about the ‘Punjabi Prison’ match on his podcast: ‘Review-A-Smackdown’. We have previously covered the Undertaker’s reaction when they first showed him what the ‘Punjabi Prison’ would actually look like. Now it is time for Vince McMahon’s reaction.

Greenfield says that he actually came up with the name for the ‘Punjabi Prison’ match. He says that the finished structure ended up looking much different than what they originally designed but they already spent a ton of money on it and had to use it.

Vince decided that they needed to brand the structure:

“It was a Smackdown meeting, we were all sitting around the table and everybody was throwing out ideas. I know Vince likes him some alliteration, so I said: “how about a Punjabi Prison match?’. He does this thing that Vince does, he is on this chair that swivels at the head of the table in the writers room. He kind of looks away and you can almost see him tasting the words in his mouth. He’s sitting there and looks away and says: ‘Punjabi Prison, alright, let’s do it, next’. And that was it”

Kind of shows you how quickly Vince can make a decision on something without thinking twice.

[irp posts=”26887″ name=”Details On How The ‘Punjabi Prison’ Match Rules Were Created”]

You can check out the full podcast here

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