Ric Flair Says He Is Unhappy With Charlotte Flair’s Current Booking In WWE

On a recent edition of his podcast, Corey Greaves criticized WWE’s booking of Charlotte Flair and said that it looks like she’s going through the motions in the ring. Ric Flair was recently interviewed by Wrestling INC, where he spoke about Graves’ comments and the current booking of Charlotte.

Here is what Ric had to say about Charlotte’s booking:

“I am not happy with the way they are doing it; I guess she’s been put in that role. Number one, I need to be left out of the equation because she has surpassed me in talent. She’s never gonna be around for 40 years which is why I’m still a household name. I think they look at it and say, ‘Well, she’s like her dad. She’ll do anything we want her to do because she’s a pro.’

“I don’t think she’ll ever be bored with her storylines and not participate at its fullest. That part is wrong on Corey’s part. But as far as her being the best athlete in the company, a Hall of Famer already, and being the biggest star of the women’s division, he’s spot on.”

Ric continued, discussing Charlotte’s work ethic:

“She’s made her own way and she’s made it by going through such a rigorous and demanding schedule because of my last name. It’s not like she walks through a door and inherits a company. She has to walk in the door and be Ric Flair’s daughter. She had to work twice as hard and be twice as good. She has to be that much better and she never takes it for granted. Charlotte did a Raw in Nashville then a March of Dimes event in New York on Tuesday. She then flew to California for a Snickers commercial before heading home and then to Jacksonville for SmackDown.

“She wouldn’t have it any other way. What happens is sometimes they’ll leave her off of something and she’ll go, ‘Hey dad, why did they leave me off?’ I tell her just to have a day off. That’s how she’s geared and she wants to be the best every damn minute.”

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On a related note, check out my best of the decade awards for WWE (2010-2019).

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