Rumor Roundup: WWE’s Back-Up Plan For The Rock, Possible WWE Main Roster Call-Ups, More

3) Backstage Note On Davey Boy Smith Jr. Returning To WWE

According to Mike Johnson of PWInsider, Davey Boy Smith Jr. signed with WWE back in March but the company kept it quiet until now.

Here is what Johnson wrote:

Smith was signed as early as this past March, but he and WWE kept the signing quiet until the timing was right for him to officially return to the company.

My Take:

  • I am happy to have Davey Boy Smith back. I think that he will kill it on this next run.

2) Backstage Reaction To The Return To Live Shows

According to Andrew Zarian on Twitter, there is a lot of positivity coming out of WWE after the return of fans. The feeling is that they have encouraged fans to attend live shows in the future.

Here is what Zarian Tweeted:

After last night there’s an expectation within WWE right now that these shows are going to heavy encourage fans to want to attend live.

Backstage was fire last night and it’s motivated everyone.

My Take:

  • After being cooped up inside, I think that fans will be jumping to attend shows again. We will have to wait and see how the company does in terms of attendance over the next few months.

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