Triple H Shares What Vince McMahon Doesn’t Get Enough Credit For

Triple H was recently interviewed by Fightful. During the interview, Triple H spoke about WWE making the decision to move NXT Takeover: New York to Friday. This comes after it was originally supposed to take place on Saturday night against the G1 Supercard event.

Triple H ended up sharing what he thinks that Vince McMahon doesn’t get enough credit for.

Here is what he said.

“A thing people sometimes don’t give Vince a lot of credit for is his ability to shift and morph and become what is needed in the time. Reimagining everything is one of his biggest skill sets. He’s not afraid to look at the pay-per-view model, say ‘we’re gonna rip this up and change our whole business model and go over the top.’ He’s not afraid to say we need to reboot this whole thing and start over.

He has a big saying — ‘first day on the job.’ If you came in with fresh eyes, would you do it that way? Would you do it differently. Stuff shifts every day. There are lots of things you do in your life that you just do that way because that’s how you’ve always done it, even though there might be better ways to do it. Constantly looking at that — he’s ingrained that in the entire company,

On a related note, check out the harsh words that Vince had for Kevin Owens after Wrestlemania 33.

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