Tyson Kidd Shares What Vince McMahon Said To Him About Becoming A Producer In WWE

Tyson Kidd was recently interviewed by The Kingston Whig Standard. During the interview, Kidd spoke on a wide variety of topics. This included about his current role as a producer in WWE.

It turns out that it was Vince McMahon’s idea for him to take that role. Vince saw some big potential in Kidd.

Here is what Kidd said during the interview:

“That was his idea. He thought I’d be good at it or I could get good at it. [McMahon] said to me, ‘You’ll be like me.’”

Kidd continued:

“I didn’t know if I’d be good at it and I didn’t know what all it entailed. I didn’t know if I would get any real fulfillment out of it. But right off the bat, maybe two weeks in, I was a part of a battle royal and I had an idea that Tye Dillinger would be one of the last three guys. I thought his ’10’ stuff was getting over and I thought it would be good and he could have a good showing. I’ve been given those same things where maybe you’re not being super featured but they throw you a little something and then see what happens out of it. The audience was completely with (Dillinger). When he came back, he was happy and I felt that fulfilment (McMahon referred to), which now I’ve felt a million times over. I love my job. I’ve been doing this now almost a year and a half and I haven’t taken a week off yet.”

Some pretty big praise for Vince to say that Kidd could be like him one day.

On a related note, here are some funny backstage stories about Vince. 

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