Wrestlemania 36 Main Event Predictions

4) Roman Reigns vs The Rock

I think that Roman Reigns has a great chance to main event Wrestlemania 36. I have to add a potential match between Roman and the Rock to my list.

This is a match that fans have been pitching for a while now. It would be one of those blockbuster type of matches that WWE would love to have. The Rock is one of the biggest stars in the world right now and his return to the ring would bring some major publicity to WWE.

If I am WWE, I am throwing a ton of money at the Rock to make this happen.

If this match is going to happen, it is definitely going to be the main event of Wrestlemania 36. No doubt about it.

3) CM Punk’s Return Match

CM Punk is currently working for FOX on ‘WWE Backstage’. The door now appears to be cracked open for him to wrestle again in WWE.

If it does happen, it would make a ton of sense for his first match to be in the main event of Wrestlemania 36. He is a major name and this would be a huge selling point for the event.

There are plenty of great options. It could be CM Punk vs Triple H based on their personal history. Punk could also challenge either Bray Wyatt or Brock Lesnar for their Titles at the event. I would be happy with either of those options.

If Punk is planning on wrestling again for WWE, the Wrestlemania 36 main event seems like the perfect spot for it.

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