WWE Quietly Makes A Change To Ronda Rousey’s Status

Ronda Rousey hasn’t appeared on WWE television since Wrestlemania 35. This came after she dropped the RAW Women’s Championship to Becky Lynch, in a match that also included Charlotte Flair.

Many fans have been wondering about Ronda’s status with WWE after the event. She has spoken about missing WWE but hasn’t been clear about if she will be returning or not.

Over the past week, WWE has made a quiet change to Ronda’s status. They have officially moved her to the ‘alumni’ section on their website. Here is a screenshot:

Is this a hint that Ronda is officially done with WWE? Seems like an odd move to throw her in the alumni section if she is going to be coming back in a few months.

Let me know what you think in the comment section below or on Twitter.

In other news, check out our Wrestlemania 38 predictions.

In other news, check out how I would book the Four Horsewomen from now until Wrestlemania 36.

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