Vince McMahon Stories That Will Make You Laugh

 8) The Story Of When Vince Tried To Wrestle Kurt Angle (While On A Plane)

You probably already know that Vince McMahon has a massive ego and as a result, likes to test himself. Sometimes he chooses to test himself against his own WWE roster. One of the best (and funniest) examples of this was when he tried to shoot-wrestle Kurt Angle, who happens to be an Olympic Gold Medalist. As you will see later on this list of Vince McMahon stories, the man loves physical confrontations.

In his book: It’s True! It’s True!, Kurt Angle describes the time that Vince tried to wrestle him on a plane ride. Vince would reportedly sneak attack Angle multiple times and the two would end up wrestling in the aisles. The story is great for the fact that Vince had the ego to challenge an Olympic Gold Medalist to a shoot wrestling match and the Undertaker’s response. Here is an excerpt from the book:

“The quintessential alpha male, Vince McMahon always liked to prove himself, even against Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle. On a plane ride, Vince decided to sneak up behind Angle and take him down amateur-style, starting an impromptu match in the aisle. The ruckus woke a sleeping Undertaker who, seeing his boss about to get put in his place, sprang into action and took out Angle before he knew what hit him. That’s company loyalty” (Source: It’s True! It’s True!).

The Undertaker is not a bad guy to have to watch your back. Love that Vince has the ego to challenge himself in against top athletes like Angle.

7) The Story Of When Vince Took Multiple Finishing Moves While He Was Intoxicated

Bret Hart tells the legendary story of Vince McMahon getting drunk, followed by him taking multiple finishing moves at a bar. A number of wrestlers got together at a bar after a show in San Antonio. Vince was there and he was drunk according to Bret. The Road Warriors hit him with their finishing move in the bar but did it softly so that Vince wouldn’t get hurt. Jim Neidhart saw this and got angry, saying that the Hart Foundation wouldn’t go easy on him:

“All of a sudden I turn around and Jim [Neidhart] had Vince in the bearhug for The Hart Foundation move. I just remember Hogan and a bunch of guys looking at me like, “Are you going to do it? Or are you just going to do a powderpuff one too?” I just took his head off. I just took straight off. Clotheslined Vince right in the bar. Took him right to the ground. I remember our heads both banging on the cement carpet. I can remember Vince looking at me while we were both on the ground. He turned his head to me and I was just lying flat right beside him.

With that move, that flying clothesline I used to do the only way to do it is you’ve got to swing your legs up in the air and land on your back shoulder blades so you don’t get hurt. Same with Vince. I pulled him down. I protected his head and everything but we landed with a pretty good thud on the ground. Vince looked at me and he said, “You owe me a drink!” (Source: Wrestlezone).

The party raged on, with Vince peeing on Ric Flair’s hotel room bed at the after party.

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