Undertaker Stories From Behind-The-Scenes

4) The Story Of The Undertaker Drinking All Night With Ric Flair

While promoting his 30 for 30 special, Ric Flair told a couple of Undertaker stories. The first involved Flair and the Undertaker going on a bender together.

Here is a quote from Flair:

“1991, flew from New York to Tokyo to wrestle one match. We roared all night long, then got on a plane. Slept three hours and flew to England for another match. Drank all night, then flew back to Chicago

. I was sitting in first class, and when I woke up, I was laying in coach with my arms across me like Rest in Peace an hour and a half after the plane landed. I missed my connection and the cleanup crew woke me up,” (Source: Fanbuzz)

Seems like the Undertaker got the better of Flair on this one.

3) The Story Of The Undertaker Drinking All Night With Ric Flair (V2)

In the same interview, Flair shared another story about his drinking adventures with the Undertaker.

It is well-known that the Deadman’s drink of choice is Jack Daniels. Flair tried to keep up with him one night and got blackout drunk:

“(Another one) He and I and Harvey Grant and Curt Hennig started out again. That damn Jack Daniels. Next thing, I woke up in the morning with some alien (a woman) next to me. There were two aliens (two women) actually and I couldn’t find my Rolex. I woke her up and said ‘where’s my Rolex.’ She said, ‘You threw it in a plate of spaghetti at Sabatinos and said you had 11 of ‘em, no big deal”

Tough to outdrink the Deadman.

Use the buttons below for more on our list of Undertaker stories from his life outside of the ring.

1 thought on “Undertaker Stories From Behind-The-Scenes”

  1. 7 of these were new stories to be about the undertaker. but the one wrestler court story everyone heard that one, the same for choking out kurt on the plane and also the one about threaten shawn.


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