7 WWE Stars That Have Defended Seth Rollins Against The Claims That He Is Dangerous

6) Sting

Sting is one of the names that is on the list of people injured at the hands of Seth Rollins. During their match at Night of Champions 2015, Sting took 2 Buckle Bombs and ended up injuring his neck in the match, which ultimately ended his career.

Sting himself doesn’t blame Seth for the injury and harbors no ill feelings towards him. In an interview with WWE.com, Sting called Rollins one of the best he’s ever worked with.

“The biggest pleasure. I’m honored. After 30 years and working with some of the best and some of the greatest, [Rollins] is, I’m telling you, he’s got to be the best I’ve ever worked with. I mean, this guy has it. And I think he’s just scratching the surface on what he will do. I’ve never seen somebody as talented”  (Source: WWE).

On what Seth told him after the match:

“Really, I can’t say enough. He poked his head in the ambulance and said, “Man, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened.” I said, “Seth, don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault.” And he, for 15 minutes, he said, “I just wanted to tell you what an honor it was, what a pleasure. I can’t believe I had a chance to get in the ring with you and work with you. I was you for Halloween when I was a kid.” He was on and on about it, but man, this young guy, he doesn’t have any idea how much I appreciate being able to work with him” (Source: WWE).

Sting doesn’t harbor any ill will towards Rollins even though he was the man to end his career. He still calls Rollins one of the best guys that he has ever worked with. I think if Seth was fully responsible for ending Stings career, he wouldn’t be singing his praises.

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