Dean Ambrose Stories As Told By WWE Legends

6) Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho in a 2014 interview with Between the Ropes had some big praise for the ‘Lunatic  Fringe’. Ambrose and Jericho have worked together on numerous occasions.

“I saw Dean when he first started, and there was something different about him. He has that Jeff Hardy X-factor. There’s just something about him that you can’t push on somebody. You can teach them how to take a bump, give them a look, give them wins, but certain guys have a certain something about them that you know is going to take them to the next level, no matter what. Dean definitely has that and in my opinion…”

He continued:

“I’m not the god of everything but I have a pretty good track record of picking guys. I think he’s the closest that they have right now to being the next face of WWE. I don’t think that’s as important now with the  Network and less emphasis on pay-per-views and that sort of thing. But as far as a guy who can come in there as the top babyface, I think Dean’s your best bet right now”

5) Batista

In a 2014 interview with Huffington Post [after the Shield broke up], Batista was asked who he thought was going to be the star of the group.

Batista says that Ambrose was his personal choice:

“I don’t think they were ready-I don’t think they’re ready to fly solo. I realise where they’re going and that WWE will push Roman Reigns straight to the top. However for me, Dean Ambrose is by far the most talented in that group and I think eventually if they just give him the spotlight then he’s going to shine. As soon as he touches a mic everyone else can just sit down as he’s magic on it. So It remains to be seen, I think they’re all talented but to me Dean was the star of that group. I think Roman looks like the star of that group but I don’t think he’s nearly as talented as Dean”

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2 thoughts on “Dean Ambrose Stories As Told By WWE Legends”

  1. Wish WWE would get with the program and give him the real push that Roman and Seth have gotten instead of just using him to build up others.

  2. Dean got me interested in wrestling which I never liked. I always felt that it was too obviously fake. When I first saw him, I honestly thought he was some random dude that was getting in the ring to “prove” himself to the professional wrestlers. I was told nope, given his name and still doubted it although he obviously was very good at wrestling. The tee shirt and jeans threw me off. That he comes out there dressed like a regular guy and cleans house as well is impressive. He is the only role model I trust for my street kids. He’s evolved awesomely and they have a lot of respect for him and his achievements. Getting married, that showed them that taking responsibility in a committed relationship is important. They never have experienced that. He’s good for business.


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