5 Booking Decisions That Would Have Made WWE Fastlane Much Better

5. Kevin Owens Retains The Title

I am honestly having a hard time trying to find words to this. My initial reaction to Goldberg winning the Universal title was that my stomach dropped and my heart sunk, like I’ve never felt sick to my stomach when it came to wrestling, and I can honestly say that was the first time I’ve experienced a feeling such as that.

I’m not hating on Goldberg when I say this, but he hasn’t had a full length match since 2004. The guy looks like he is in good shape, but he looks gassed after “wrestling” for 20 seconds! The ending to his match with Brock Lesnar is very predictable, and I would be shocked if Goldberg retained the title.

I feel like I’ve stretched this argument out, but let me give you four words: New Era, Kevin Owens. A wrestler that is a part of the New Era dropped the title in a 20 second squash match to a 50-year-old that hasn’t wrestled in a full length match since 2004.

In the eyes of the casual viewer, they are ok with it. However, there is a margin of wrestling fans that believe that this was 100% the wrong decision and I agree with that. Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg does not need a title on the line to make it a marquee match.

The two names sell tickets by themselves. The match that really needed the title was Kevin Owens vs Chris Jericho. I digress, and I hope the payoff after the outcome of Fastlane proves me wrong.

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That’s my list! Do you agree or disagree? Sound off in the comment section down below! Follow me on Twitter @StDxReaperz to continue the conversation about pro wrestling. Thank you for reading!

4 thoughts on “5 Booking Decisions That Would Have Made WWE Fastlane Much Better”

  1. I most definitely agree that Braun Strowman should not have been pinned. If Undertaker had caused a distraction or even gotten Roman Reigns disqualified, not only would Strowman have remained undefeated but Taker would have one-upped Roman for eliminating him at the Rumble. It would have added fuel to their feud and upcoming Wrestlemania match. All bases would have been covered.

  2. So you want Owens to win the US Title, but also retain the Universal? Three of your 5 arguments you clearly are grabbing at straws


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