Real WWE Fights That Happened Backstage

4) Booker T vs Batista

Booker T and Batista reportedly got into a fight backstage of WWE in 2006. The story goes that Batista was calling the Smackdown roster lazy and making some arrogant comments. Booker T took exception and a fight broke out.

Here is Booker T’s side of the story:

“I never had a problem with him or anything. I mean, certain things once you get into the business — and I’m all about tradition and I’m all about respect as far as the guys that came before me and put in work. That pretty much was what that thing was about, it was about respect not just for myself but for all of the rest of the boys in the locker room”

Booker T continued, confirming a fight took place between him and Batista:

“That’s just the way things happen, a lot of testosterone in the locker room and we all don’t get along. We all don’t like each other, we just have to work with each other. Sometimes, fights will break out and that’s what happened with him and I. We’re both men and, sometimes, men fight” (Source: WrestlingInc).

There have been differing rumors that have went along with this story. Some say that Booker T won the fight, others suggest that Batista was on top. We will likely never know for sure but we do know that a fight took place between the two.

3) The Big Show vs The Great Khali

The story goes that the Big Show and the Great Khali fought backstage of WWE back in 2009. You read that correctly, two guys over the height of 7 feet fought in the WWE locker room. How did the fight between the two giants go???????

It all began because The Great Khali was reportedly using some of the Big Show’s moves, which is a big no-no in professional wrestling. Big Show was unhappy about it and confronted him backstage. This turned into a fist fight, where Big Show threw the first punch.

So What Really Happened? 

Chris Jericho tells the tale in his book: The Best in the World: At What I Have No Idea 

“Show threw the first punch, which connected with a loud smack to Khali’s overdeveloped jaw. It rocked him backwards, but he didn’t go down and Khali landed a punch of his own. With the opening shots fired, the floodgates opened and the two titans began swinging like Tiger Williams. I counted at least five more smacks and cracks as the blows connected with each other’s faces, shoulders, necks and chests. I had a front-row seat for king Kong vs Godzilla and they were in a fight to death. Nobody in the locker room was too keen to break them up either and besides, how could we? Their fists were as big as my head!” (Source: The Best in the World: At What I Have No Idea).

Jericho says that it was a fair fight, with Big Show tripping at the end, giving Khali the upper hand before it was broken up. He also says that Vince McMahon forced Big Show to apologize for throwing the first punch.

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